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Educational & Clinical Services
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"TeleTherapy Made A Difference!"
“After four-year-old Everett’s evaluation, I learned that he needed speech language therapy, as well as, occupational therapy (OT). I was eager for him to get started, so that we could set him up for success as he gets ready for kindergarten in the fall,” said Everett’s mom, Kimmie.
Then, COVID forced everyone to be at home. So, instead of the face-to-face therapy that she expected, Kimmie and Everett now had to start both speech therapy and OT via TeleTherapy. She was worried that without having the therapist in the room, that it was not going to work. She didn’t think that she had the skills needed to be helpful during these sessions. However, she was happy to find out that it was just the opposite. TeleTherapy with Miss Valorie for speech language therapy and Bethany for occupational therapy was amazing; and it allowed Kimmie the opportunity to become a part of the team. They gave her the tools that she needed to help her son, and they told her up-front everything that she was expected to do and everything that they would be doing.
During the TeleTherapy sessions she served as the “right hand gal” and was able to help reposition Everett’s posture with guidance from Bethany. She was able to help keep his focus on the screen instead of on their brand-new puppy during speech therapy, and she, herself, learned how to coach her son outside of the scheduled sessions. Everett loved Miss Valorie. She listened carefully and was able to focus on his exact needs, while also applauding his areas of strength.
Kimmie was surprised to learn how several minor tweaks created such a significant impact. She said, “I could not believe the progress that he was able to make in just two months! When we talk with friends and family on the phone or FaceTime, they now comment and say, ‘Wow, we can really understand him now!’” There was quite a bit of improvement with his motor skills too. Bethany gave her so many tips and resources to help. Everett now has a “wiggle seat” and enjoys doing a bear crawl and a crab walk across the floor. With her new tools learned from Bethany, Kimmie is also able to correct his posture and guide him to sit and move properly.
“I can’t thank Rochester Hearing and Speech Center enough. Valorie and Bethany have given Everett and me the skills and tools to help him succeed. It felt like a match made in heaven. We will be practicing what we learned during the summer, and we can’t wait for a successful year in kindergarten!”
– Kimmie, Everett's Mom