Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
Educational & Clinical Services
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RHSC's Second Annual
Super Hear-O 5K & Family Fun Day!
Sunday, June 22nd, 2025
Registration is NOW OPEN!

"There is a superhero in all of us. We just need the courage to put on the cape." - Superman
Thank you to all who participated in Rochester Hearing & Speech Center's 1st Annual Super Hear-O 5K & Family Fun Day to celebrate the little heroes working every day to learn to communicate better, to support the hard-working RHSC heroes making a difference in the lives of families and children with special needs, and to BE a hero for the thousands of individuals of all ages that RHSC serves every year!
Come dressed as your favorite superhero and do your part to save the world!
This year's event is going to be even more MARVEL-ous!!
Our inclusive and family friendly event is geared toward all ages and abilities and features a 5K Trail Run, a 5K Walk/Run and a one-mile paved walk/roll or stroll option. The event also includes a Super Kid Zone filled with fun activities, vendors and Netsin’s Ice Cream Truck for our participants!
Get ready for an epic battle
at this year's event!
Prepare to party
with music by
Sidekicks Needed! Help us by Volunteering!
Become A Sponsor for This Year's Event!