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"Communication for Life" Begins with Year-End Giving


Updated: Dec 13, 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, there are many reasons we ask you to consider giving to RHSC this holiday season.

Your donation helps us respond to the growing number of children with disabilities or developmental delays needing hearing, speech, OT, PT, or special education services. Many of these children are currently on the waitlist for Early Intervention services, which at times has exceeded 1,000 children this past year. RHSC helps families waiting for EI services by offering programs that provide speech-language, occupational and physical therapy for children up to age three. Support from private donors and foundations allowed us to add more Developmental Groups to our schedule this year, serving nearly 40% more children from the County's waitlist for Early Intervention services at our Elmwood Avenue location compared to last year.

Your support also helps provides hearing health services to those who need evaluation and treatment in our community. That need is steadily increasing, and not just for seniors! The fastest growing demographic for individuals experiencing hearing loss is under 30 years old with 12.5% of kids between the ages of 6 and 19 having diagnosed hearing loss. Twenty-two million Americans – about 22% - are exposed to hazardous noise levels in the workplace. Hearing conservation is an important component to a lifetime of hearing health.

Time is running out on 2023, but your year-end gift can be the beginning of someone's journey to better communication! Visit our giving page now to make your donation to Rochester Hearing & Speech Center.


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Rochester/Brighton | Greece
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A copy of Rochester Hearing & Speech Center’s latest annual financial report is available upon request

from RHSC, or from the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau:


Office of the New York State Attorney General

The Capitol

Albany, NY 12224-0341

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