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Patricia Mercado, BC-HIS
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

Patricia Mercado Hearing Aid Specialist

Pat is a Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist for Rochester Hearing & Speech Center. She started working for the agency in 1990, scheduling appointments for our audiology dispensing program. Soon after, Pat started to provide minor hearing aid repairs for clients. Pat became Board Certified in 1999 after seeing the need to help clients daily. She is known to be more than a hearing aid dispenser, she is knowledgeable in the hearing aid industry and goes above and beyond for her clients. Pat resides in Rochester, New York, and loves spending time with her granddaughter.

"I enjoy my work! I've been very lucky to work with such a great group of people." - Pat

 Watch what Paul has to say about Pat - Click Here

Rochester Hearing & Speech Center logo
Rochester/Brighton | Greece
585.271.0680 |

A copy of Rochester Hearing & Speech Center’s latest annual financial report is available upon request

from RHSC, or from the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau:


Office of the New York State Attorney General

The Capitol

Albany, NY 12224-0341

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