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Audiology Services

Music Production

Hearing Protection | Hearing Loss Prevention

The fastest growing demographic for individuals experiencing hearing loss is under 30 years old with 12.5% of kids between the ages of 6 and 19 having diagnosed hearing loss. Twenty-two million Americans – about 22% - are exposed to hazardous noise levels in the workplace.

We have a comprehensive program to prevent hearing loss in individuals who are at risk of losing hearing because of exposure to loud noise. We provide a wide range of hearing protective devices, depending on the individual’s needs and lifestyle, such as:

  • Musicians (rock, classical, drum and bugle corp or even garage bands, etc.)

  • Hunters

  • Individuals who work in noisy environments (auto mechanics, construction workers, etc.)

  • Motorcyclists

  • People who listen to loud music (iPods, MP3 players, concertgoers, etc.)

Have questions about Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids?

Contact RHSC to ask questions and schedule a hearing health evaluation. Phone: 585-271-0680 or fill our our Contact Us Form.

Hearing Conservation & Wellness

Diagnostic Services

We offer a full range of diagnostic services and treatments for patients from birth to adulthood. Some of the most common services include:

  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations

  • Industrial Hearing Conservation & Screenings

  • Middle Ear Assessment     

  • Musician Hearing Conservation and Counseling

Hearing Loss Prevention

A major cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud, noisy environments. When tiny hair cells in the ears are destroyed, they can not be replaced.  Our consulting services offer a variety of ways to safeguard patients' hearing from birth to adulthood.

Our Hearing Loss Prevention Programs and Consultation Include: 

  • Custom hearing protection

  • Etymotic high-fidelity earplugs (ETY earplugs)

  • Musician earplugs and in-ear-monitors

Rochester Hearing & Speech Center logo
Rochester/Brighton | Greece
585.271.0680 |

A copy of Rochester Hearing & Speech Center’s latest annual financial report is available upon request

from RHSC, or from the NYS Attorney General’s Charities Bureau:


Office of the New York State Attorney General

The Capitol

Albany, NY 12224-0341

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